Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Another Trip to Amazing Jake's

I've had the luxury of staying home through the holidays which has allowed me to spend time with all the girls, but especially Sidney and Taylor once Alex went back to her mom's. Since they have been so good and helpful around the house, we decided to reward them with a trip to Amazing Jake's. Last time we tried to take Sidney and Taylor, Jake's was closed for a private party, so the girls were looking forward to the chance to go again.

I took the girls during the day while Angie was at work. They had been bored during previous days because many of the neighborhood kids weren't home until late afternoon. Jake's provided the opportunity to get the girls out to lunch and provide a few hours of entertainment. We all played mini golf, laser tag, and video games. Sidney and Taylor climbed the rock wall, rode the go carts, and most of the other attractions. All in all the girls had a great time!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas 2008

Christmas time has arrived again!!! It's hard to believe. It seems like just a few days ago I was putting up the Christmas lights and thinking it may be too early. But time flew by and Christmas is here.

Angie and I spent a quiet Christmas Eve alone and exchanged gifts. My girls came over Christmas day and they joined Angie and myself for a fried turkey Christmas dinner at my parents house with my family. Sidney spent all of Christmas at her dad's.

Alex spent a few additional days at our house before heading back to her mom's for physical therapy on her shoulder, but Taylor is staying through New Years. Sidney came back Saturday evening which allowed us to exchange gifts with the girls and to open Santa presents.

I want thank everyone who sent gifts, we are truly blessed. I kept looking under our tree in disbelief, we literally ran out of room! I think everyone got exactly what they wanted...and then some.

We promised the girls we would take them to a movie on Sunday, so we all went to see Marley and Me. It was such a great movie, but if you are pet lover, especially a dog lover, expect your eyes to well up with tears. On the other hand, Marley reminded me of another terror Lab, my parents dog Dixie. She is very sweet, but is quite the handful

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Winter Finally Arrives

Looks like winter was just waiting to show it's face. Back on Thanksgiving I remember thinking about how unseasonably warm it had been. We had such beautiful weather and no snow to speak of. Typically we get snow around Halloween. Not this year. I think this was one of the latest first snows of the year in history.

Fast forward to this week. We've set or tied record lows 3 days. Monday was a whopping -19 for the low and I don't think we got above 0 all day long. Today is warm though...up to 37.

I know you Michigan and northern Idaho people are thinking "that's not cold", but to this California born guy, and most of us current Denver residents....it is COLD.

Sorry for so many updates all at once, I really need to dedicate some time each week to get keep everyone up to date!

Happy holidays. I promise more updates especially around Christmas!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Parties

We had 2 Christmas parties this past week. I guess I should call them holiday parties to be politically correct. Nah, we celebrate Christmas, so Christmas parties is what they were. The first one was for Angie's work and the other was yet another Danielle party. No company party for me this year. I guess we are getting too big for such things.

Angie's company party was a pot luck at one of her co-workers homes. Getting there was a small adventure since Angie didn't have an address and we were going off her memory (in the dark I might add) to find it. After only a couple wrong turns, we did in fact get there...and were one of the earlier arrivers. We retreated to the basement after everyone piled dinner on their plates. Once there we enjoyed delicious pomegranate martini's ganished with fresh pomegranate. I ended up helping make these delicious treats since thjey were so popular and the host was having trouble keeping up with demand. After drinking the martinis people sort of split up, some played the Wii while others played pool on the beautiful pool table. Then there was a white elephant gift exchange...of course.


Danielle hosted her party at her home where her husband DJ made delicious smoked ribs and a turkey. After Angie's raving about the pomegranate martinis from her company party, Danielle recruited me to make them for her party as well. Again they were met with rave reviews. I guess my past life as a bartender still pays off. Of course, it isn't a Christmas party without a white elephant gift exchange.....

I suppose you might be wondering who the picture is in this posting. Well, this is Trent, Danielle's son. You might remember, Sidney babysits him on school mornings when there is a late start. He is quite the ham!
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Monday, December 8, 2008

The Ugly Sweater Party!

Danielle (you may have read about her previousy, probably around Halloween) invited Angie to an ugly Christmas sweater party this weekend. Since Angie doesn't own an ugly Christmas sweater she had to go shopping at Savers and Goodwill to find one. I guess it wasn't that difficult a task since she found one pretty quickly. I'm not even gonna mention the hideous Santa Claus necklace (I think that is what it was) she found.

Danielle picked her up from our house and the girls were on their way. Of course I had to get a picture of them before allowing them to leave. Danielle's sweater had little stuffed birds on it and she had another one in her hair. I didn't know it was possible for there to be an uglier sweater than the one Angie picked out, but Danielle was able to find one.

The girls raved at what a good time they had at the party. I can only imagine, a bunch of women hanging out in ugly sweaters talking about who knows what! It turns out nobody found an uglier sweater than Danielle, hers was voted the winner (or would it be loser?)
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Biffie Visits for Dinner

Sidney spent this weekend with dad. She always enjoys going to her dad's and misses him when she gets home. Usually we meet to pick her up, but this weekend Biffie took Sid to High School Musical on Ice and then brought her all the way home. This provided us a great opportunity to have Biffie over for dinner.

I've heard many stories about Biffie and it is obvious Sid and Angie adore her and have been a part of each other's lives for a very long time. After dinner we visited for a while before she headed home. I know I had a great time and I think everyone else did too. I look forward to the next time we are able to get together.

Notice the naughty kitty had to get in the photo! Isn't he sweet?
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